Call for papers: IEEE ICC 2024 Workshop WS-10: Catalyzing Spectrum Sharing via Active/Passive Coexistence

Paper submissions for the IEEE ICC 2024 Workshop WS-10: Catalyzing Spectrum Sharing via Active/Passive Coexistence are due January 20, 2024. 

From the Call for Papers:

Topics of Interest

1. Spectrum Sensing and Spectrum Decision Techniques for passive-active sharing
2. Digital Twins for passive-active Spectrum Sharing and Management
3. Spectrum Resource Allocation and Sharing Models for passive-active Coexisting Networks,
Including Between Satellite and Terrestrial Networks.
4. Experimental zones and testbeds
5. Coexistence Mechanisms for Satellite Transmissions and Radio Astronomy Observatories
6. Coexistence Mechanisms and Strategies for Active and Passive Systems
7. Interference Management and Mitigation for Radio Astronomy and Remote Sensing
8. Interference Avoidance and Coordination Strategies in Satellite and Terrestrial Networks
9. Spectrum, Propagation, and Interference Measurements and Modeling for Shared Spectrum
10. Cooperative and Collaborative Spectrum Sharing Techniques

This workshop will be hosted on June 9, 2024, and is organized by:

  • General Chair: Mariya Zheleva, University of Albany, USA (and SpectrumX research partner)
  • Co-Chair: Christopher G. DePree, NRAO, USA
  • TPC Chair: Christopher R. Anderson, NTIA, USA

Read the full document here:


SpectrumX leadership participate in URSI National Radio Science Meeting

In early January, radio science researchers from across the United States and beyond came together for the National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM) at the University of Colorado Boulder. The meeting was attended by six SpectrumX members, who hosted workshops and participated in multiple panel discussions. The NRSM is sponsored by the U.S. National Committee for the International Union of Radio Science.

Twenty years of research and collaboration, culminating in SpectrumX, featured in keynote address at GRCon 22

On Thursday, September 30, SpectrumX Center Director Nick Laneman gave a keynote address at GRCon 22 in Washington D.C. Laneman concurrently co-directs the Wireless Institute in the College of Engineering and is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame.

GNU Radio is “a free and open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios,” according to its website. It is utilized by researchers, industry, government, hobbyist, and academic stakeholders alike.

Susan Avery

Susan K. Avery is president emerita of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and professor emeritus at the University of Colorado, Boulder (UCB). She served as a faculty affiliate in the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at UCB and as a Distinguished Visiting Faculty at the University of MA, Boston.  She recently completed two terms as a member and chair of the board of trustees of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Currently she serves on the Exxon Mobil Corporation Board of Directors, the Board of the American Institute of Physics, the Board of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory and on the advisory committee for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.  Dr. Avery holds a PhD in atmospheric sciences from the University of Illinois and a BS in physics from Michigan State University. 

Her scholarship interests include atmospheric circulation and precipitation, climate variability and water resources, and the development of new radar techniques and instruments for remote sensing. Over the course of her career, she has mentored 17 Ph.D. students. The author or co-author of over 110 peer-reviewed articles and reports, she has given scientific presentations to a wide variety of lay and professional audiences. She has been active in Congressional outreach, including testimony and briefings; in US and international consortia dedicated to ocean and atmosphere research, observation, and applications; and worked with the Governor’s committee to develop the Massachusetts Green Economy plan. 

Dr. Avery is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Meteorological Society, for which she also served as president.  Awards and recognition include honorary degrees from Michigan State University and the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; charter membership of the National Associate Program in the National Academy of Sciences; and a Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award from the University of Illinois. 

Keith Gremban


Focus Area:

Remote Sensing, Earth & Space Science


PhD, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
MS, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
MS, Applied Mathematics, Michigan State University
BS, Mathematics, Michigan State University

Professional Experience:

2020 – Present, Program Manager, 5G-to-NextG Initiative, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, US Department of Defense
2020 – Present, Research Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
2020 – Present, Senior Fellow, Silicon Flatirons Center, University of Colorado Boulder
2019 – 2020, Research Professor, Technology, Cybersecurity, and Policy Program, University of Colorado Boulder
2015 – 2019, Director, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, National Telecommunications and Information Administration
2014 – 2015, Founder, Shavano Systems LLC
2011 – 2014, Program Manager, Strategic Technologies Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
2009 – 2010, Director, Computer Systems Research, SET Corporation, a Science Applications International Corporation Company
2007 – 2009, Director, Denver Advanced Technology Division, SET Corporation, a Science Applications International Corporation Company
2006 – 2007, Assistant Vice President and Division Manager, Science Applications International Corporation
2002 – 2006, Senior Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation
1998 – 2002, Senior Research Engineer, SRI International, Englewood, CO
1997 – 1998, Senior Systems Engineer, Computing Devices International (CDInt)
1995 – 1998, Senior Scientist, CTA Incorporated
1988 – 1995, Graduate Student and Research Assistant, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
1980 – 1988, Staff Engineer, Martin Marietta Corporation

Awards (Selected):

Senior Fellow, Silicon Flatirons Center, University of Colorado Wolf School of Law

Research Interests:

RF noise measurement and analysis
Spectrum monitoring
Spectrum sharing
Internet of Things

Phil Erickson

I am the director at MIT Haystack Observatory (previously associate director from 2020; and previous to that –  assistant director from 2015), Principal Research Scientist at MIT, and I also lead Haystack’s very productive Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Group.  I conduct fundamental research on the near-Earth space environment, primarily through radio-based experiments and data analysis using a variety of remote sensing techniques involving ground- and space-based data.

I am the lead principal investigator for the community-oriented Millstone Hill Geospace Facility (MHGF), a prime North American space science observatory sponsored by the National Science Foundation for mid-latitude ionospheric remote sensing and scientific analysis.

Recently, the Group has initiated direct measurements from low Earth orbit for ionospheric physics.  I am the principal investigator for the forthcoming Auroral Emission Radio Observer (AERO), a NASA Heliophysics funded small satellite mission led by MIT Haystack.  I am also a co-investigator on the Haystack-led and simultaneously launched NASA Vector Interferometry Space Technology using AERO (VISTA) small satellite mission.

I am a co-director of the education and public outreach efforts at MIT Haystack, spanning undergraduate research programs, graduate student interactions including graduate student committee membership, K-12 classroom units and outreach, and public Observatory tours and lectures.

I am an active member of the HamSCI collective for amateur-professional activities and research, engaging the 750,000+ amateur radio operators in the United States for fundamental ionospheric citizen science. This includes active amateur radio participation (call sign W1PJE).

I serve as a journal reviewer, public lecturer, workshop session convener (CEDAR, GEM, AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy), and member of various space science committees. These include the Committee on Radio Frequencies (CORF), convened by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) Board on Physics and Astronomy. CORF considers the needs for radio frequency requirements and interference protection for scientific and engineering research, and coordinates the views of U.S. scientists. In general, CORF acts as an important channel for representing the interests of U.S. scientists in Earth science and radio astronomy passive and active remote sensing matters.

My training in ionospheric physics and Thomson/incoherent scatter radar theory and practice (B.S. 1987; Ph.D., 1998) came from the seminal Space Plasma Physics group within Electrical Engineering at Cornell University, where my principal advisors and mentors were Donald T. Farley, Michael C. Kelley, and Wesley E. Swartz. I have been a Haystack staff member since 1995.

I grew up in Schenectady, NY, home of General Electric’s seminal Research and Development Laboratory, where both my mother and father worked (microbiology and metallurgy, respectively) and where the great Irving Langmuir, coiner of the word “plasma” for 99% of the known universe, conducted research. I live in central Massachusetts with many hobbies including music, photography, history of technology, and keeping up with my son James and art historian wife Sarah.

Tony Beasley

Tony Beasley became the Director of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in May 2012 and serves as AUI’s Vice President for NRAO. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Physics with First Class Honors (1986), and a PhD in Astrophysics (1991) from the University of Sydney. His doctoral thesis examined magnetic field generation and solar-stellar activity in post-main-sequence stars. His scientific interests include non-thermal stellar radio emission, Very Long Baseline Interferometry techniques, radio supernovae, and astrometry of stellar/interstellar masers.

He first joined NRAO as a post-doc, then as a scientific staff member and senior manager in Socorro, NM and Charlottesville, VA. Since 2000, his career has focused on the design, construction, operation, and management of major scientific research facilities, with roles including: Project Manager for the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA), 2000-2004; ALMA Project Manager at the Joint ALMA Observatory in Chile, 2004-2008, leading the ALMA construction project through multiple international reviews and a major re-baselining effort; Operations Officer and Project Manager for NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network), 2008-2012, leading this continental-scale observatory designed to provide scientists with 30 years of ecological data on the impacts of climate change, land use change, and invasive species on natural resources and biodiversity.

Al Gasiewski


Professor Albin J. Gasiewski is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Director of the NOAA-CU Center for Environmental Technology (CET). He received his Ph.D degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1989. Previously, he received the M.S. and B.S. degrees in electrical engineering and the B.S. degree in mathematics from Case Western Reserve University in 1983. From 1997 through 2005 he was with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Environmental Technology Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, USA, where he was Chief of ETL’s Microwave Systems Development Division. From 1989 to 1997 he was a faculty member within the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA. He has developed and taught courses on electromagnetics, remote sensing, instrumentation, and wave propagation theory

Professor Gasiewski is an internationally-recognized expert in passive and active remote sensing of atmospheric, land surface, cryospheric and oceanographic processes, and contributor to several related underlying disciplines, including electromagnetic wave propagation, scattering, and radiative transfer theory and applications, signal detection, estimation, and model-based data assimilation, microwave instrumentation, radio spectrum allocation, and sensor calibration and metrology. He is engaged in the development of surface-based, airborne, and spaceborne remote and in situ sensing systems for meteorology, hydrology, climatology and related environmental applications. His specific interests include the development of UAS-based systems for Earth observation and precision agriculture, and low-Earth orbiting constellations of passive microwave imaging satellites for improved mesoscale weather forecasting. He has interests in radar systems for glacial ice imaging and aircraft navigation, wave propagation in turbulent media, environmental sensor systems for renewable energy development, and systems for sensing electrical phenomena in the atmosphere. His remote sensing interests include the development of radar imaging systems for subsurface imaging of the ice sheets on Europa and Enceladus.

Prof. Gasiewski is a 2002 Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Past President (2004-2005) of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), and founding member of the IEEE Committee on Earth Observation (ICEO). He is a member of the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union, the International Union of Radio Scientists (URSI), Tau Beta Pi, and Sigma Xi. From 2009-2011 he served as Chair of USNC/URSI Commission F. He served on the U.S. National Research Council’s Committee on Radio Frequencies (CORF) from 1989-1995. He was the General Co-chair of IGARSS 2006, held in Denver, Colorado, and a recipient of the 2006 Outstanding Service Award and the 2017 Education Award from the GRSS.


Jade Morton

Professor • Helen and Hubert Croft Professor • Director of CCAR

Focus Area:

Astrodynamics and Satellite Navigation; Remote Sensing, Earth and Space Sciences


PhD, Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 1991
MS, Electrical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, 1987
BS, Physics, Nanjing University, 1983

Professional Experience:

2019 – Present, Director, Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, University of Colorado Boulder
2017 – Present, Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
2018 – 2019, Chair for Graduate Studies, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
2014 – 2017, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University
2009 – 2014, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Miami University
2006 – 2009, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Miami University
2000 – 2006, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Miami University
1991 – 1993, Post-doctoral Fellow, Space Physics Research Laboratories, The University of Michigan
1987 – 1991, Graduate Research Assistant, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
1985 – 1987, Graduate Research Assistant, Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Case Western Reserve University
1983 – 1985, Faculty, Physics Department, Nanjing University

Awards (Selected):

Faculty Research Award, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, 2021
Johannes Kepler Award, Institute of Navigation (ION), 2020
Richard B. Kershner Award, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, PLANS, 2020
Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, 2019-21
Distinguished Performance Award, Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department, University of Colorado Boulder, 2019
Fellow, Royal Institute of Navigation (2019)
Samuel M. Burka Award, Institute of Navigation (ION) (2016)
Best session paper, ION GPS/GNSS/GNSS+ Conference (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2011, 2007, 2004)
GPS World Leadership Service Award, GPS World Magazine (2015)
Fellow, ION (2015)
Fellow, IEEE (2014)
Tan Chin Tuan Faculty Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2014)
First place team advisor, ION Autonomous Snowplow Competition (2014)
Distinguished Scholar, Miami University (2013)
Thurlow Award, ION (2013)
Woman’s Leadership Award, Miami University (2013)
Jennie Elder Suel Distinguished Woman of Color Award, Miami University (2013)
Best paper, Colloquium Sci. Fundamental Aspects Galileo Program (2013)
Best paper in track, IEEE/ION PLANS Conference (2012)
Best paper, IEEE NAECON (2011)
Outstanding Researcher, School of Eng. & Applied Sci., Miami University (2011, 2005)
Sigma Xi Researcher of the Year, Miami University (2009)
Teaching Excellence award, School of Engineering & Applied Sci., Miami University (2007)
National Research Council/AFOSR Summer Faculty Fellow (2004, 2003, 2002)
First place, Annual Graduate Research Exhibition, Penn State University (1990)

Research Interests:

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receiver technology for navigation in challenging environments and for remote sensing of the ionosphere, atmosphere, and Earth’s surface.