Call for papers: IEEE ICC 2024 Workshop WS-10: Catalyzing Spectrum Sharing via Active/Passive Coexistence

Paper submissions for the IEEE ICC 2024 Workshop WS-10: Catalyzing Spectrum Sharing via Active/Passive Coexistence are due January 20, 2024. 

From the Call for Papers:

Topics of Interest

1. Spectrum Sensing and Spectrum Decision Techniques for passive-active sharing
2. Digital Twins for passive-active Spectrum Sharing and Management
3. Spectrum Resource Allocation and Sharing Models for passive-active Coexisting Networks,
Including Between Satellite and Terrestrial Networks.
4. Experimental zones and testbeds
5. Coexistence Mechanisms for Satellite Transmissions and Radio Astronomy Observatories
6. Coexistence Mechanisms and Strategies for Active and Passive Systems
7. Interference Management and Mitigation for Radio Astronomy and Remote Sensing
8. Interference Avoidance and Coordination Strategies in Satellite and Terrestrial Networks
9. Spectrum, Propagation, and Interference Measurements and Modeling for Shared Spectrum
10. Cooperative and Collaborative Spectrum Sharing Techniques

This workshop will be hosted on June 9, 2024, and is organized by:

  • General Chair: Mariya Zheleva, University of Albany, USA (and SpectrumX research partner)
  • Co-Chair: Christopher G. DePree, NRAO, USA
  • TPC Chair: Christopher R. Anderson, NTIA, USA

Read the full document here:


Notre Dame to host listening session on national radio spectrum strategy

On Tuesday, April 11, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will hold a listening session at the University of Notre Dame to garner broad input about future spectrum allocations. The listening session is open to the general public, to attend as well as to potentially speak, and will take place from 1 to 3:30 p.m. in the Patricia George Decio Theatre at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center. Local and state policymakers and regional industry leaders are especially encouraged to participate as speakers.

NTIA seeks feedback on future airwaves for innovative technologies; SpectrumX to host a listening session at the University of Notre Dame

WASHINGTON – The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on Wednesday began seeking comment on identifying airwaves for more intensive use and innovative new uses by both the private sector and federal agencies.

NTIA’s National Spectrum Strategy Request for Comment seeks input on creating a spectrum pipeline for the next decade of frequencies that could be studied for new or additional uses. The agency’s goal is to identify at least 1,500 megahertz of spectrum to study for potential repurposing – perhaps the most ambitious study goal for NTIA to date – to meet future requirements for non-federal and federal users.

LEO Satellite Constellations: Why Smart Sharing Rules Matter in Space

Learn more and register: here

From hosting organization New America:

Please join FCC Commissioners Geoffrey Starks and Nathan Simington, as well as a panel that includes representatives of the two U.S. industry leaders (Amazon’s Project Kuiper and SpaceX’s Starlink) and noted policy experts, to discuss the key regulatory debates that will shape the industry’s future.

Keynote Remarks:

Commissioner Geoffrey Starks
Federal Communications Commission

Commissioner Nathan Simington
Federal Communications Commission

Discussion Panel:

Julie Zoller
Head of Global Regulatory Affairs, Amazon’s Project Kuiper

David Goldman
Senior Director of Satellite Policy, SpaceX

Whitney Lohmeyer
Assistant Professor of Engineering, Olin College of Engineering

Harold Feld
Senior Vice President, Public Knowledge

Publication: Spectrum Rights in Outer Space: Interference Management for Mega-constellations

Published at SSRN, August 2, 2022
Authored by: Randall Berry (Northwestern University), Pedro Bustamante (University of Pittsburgh – School of Information Sciences, Students; Carnegie Mellon University), Dongning Guo (Northwestern University), Thomas W. Hazlett (Clemson University), Michael Honig (Northwestern University), Whitney Lohmeyer (Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering), Ilia Murtazashvili (University of Pittsburgh – Graduate School of Public and International Affairs), Scott Palo (University of Colorado), Martin B. H. Weiss (University of Pittsburgh – School of Computing and Information)

Abstract (brief): The rapid increase in low earth orbiting, non-Geostationary (NGSO) communication satellites raises concerns related to the coordination of radio frequency access across competing NGSO systems. Responding to an April 2020 petition by SpaceX, the FCC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking NPRM (FCC 21-123) aimed at updating its NGSO spectrum sharing rules in the relevant frequencies (which involve ten distinct bands between 10 and 51 GHz).2 In this paper, we examine the rights regime proposed by the FCC and, guided by empirical evidence, propose alternatives that may better resolve the challenges confronted. Spectrum policy for satellite systems has been a topic for regulators for several decades, and the new satellite system, radio technologies, and spectrum sharing approaches make the topic ripe for reconsideration. (Cont’d on publication.)


Rick Reaser

Rick Reaser is an independent consultant on spectrum, satellite navigation, space and electronics technology.  He provides continuing consulting services to U.S.-CREST and a variety of other clients.  In the Spring of 2021, he provided independent consulting services Cerberus Operations and Advisory Company in the performance of technical and market due diligence to assess the viability of an aviation innovation.  He provided independent consulting services to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through the Aerospace Corporation with a systems engineering program assessment of the Artemis program in Spring 2020.

From 2006 to 2019, Mr. Reaser led Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems’ Spectrum Management and Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Department.  He was an Air Force Officer from 1978 to 2006 when he retired as a Colonel. While in the Air Force, Reaser served in the Air Force’s Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS) Joint Program Office (JPO) twelve years across three duty tours as a satellite engineer, satellite contract manager, chief engineer, and deputy system program director.  While serving as the Defense Department’s deputy director of spectrum management, he was detailed by the Deputy Secretary of Defense to the White House and the State Department as a technical advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to the World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC). In the late 1990s he was selected as U.S. spokesperson and leader of the interagency effort to prevent GPS spectrum encroachment. He helped the US and Europe obtain new international spectrum for GPS and Galileo at two World Radio Conferences (2000 and 2003).  He negotiated the technical agreement between the Europe Union (EU) and the United States to share spectrum between the two systems in 2004. He led the design efforts for three new GPS civil signals L1C, L2C and L5 as well the new military signal called M-Code.

Mr. Reaser was appointed by the Secretary of Commerce in January 2009 to the Commerce Spectrum Management Federal Advisory Committee as a Special Government Employee where he served for a decade.  In 2015 he was selected by the National Research Council (NRC) to serve on a Congressionally-directed committee that provided scientific, technical and management recommendations regarding Commerce Department’s telecom labs.

Mr. Reaser is currently serving on a Congressionally-directed National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) committee reviewing Federal Communications Commission order FCC 20-48, which authorized Ligado Networks LLC to operate a low-power terrestrial radio network adjacent to the Global Positioning System (GPS) frequency band.

Whitney Lohmeyer

Whitney Lohmeyer is currently serving as the Chief Technologist of the Space Bureau, Federal Communications Commission.

Lohmeyer is an Assistant Professor of Engineering at Olin College and a Research Affiliate at MIT in Aeronautics and Astronautics. She leads the Olin Satellite + Spectrum Technology & Policy (OSSTP) Group, and manages and contributes to the field of satellite communications systems. She also works closely with industry to advise on end-to-end system design, antenna systems, RF power amplification, radiation tolerance and spectrum strategy. Whitney is passionate about enabling affordable Internet access in order to generate economic growth and improve healthcare and education. Whitney was the first engineer hired at OneWeb, a company launching hundreds of low earth orbit communications satellites to provide global broadband and bridge the digital divide. While at OneWeb, she held a variety of roles both technical and policy-focused. As a Systems Engineer, she designed the RF Link Budget, and worked on the end-to-end communications system design, focusing on the LTE waveform and the user terminal antenna. In addition, she actively contributed to policy reform at the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and United Nations (UN) International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and represented OneWeb on the U.S. Delegation to the 2015 World Radio Conference, the culmination of a three-year regulatory review cycle. Prior to joining the OneWeb team, she worked as a hardware engineer at Google, and spent time in technical roles at Inmarsat and NASA. Whitney received her Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT in 2015, and her M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT in 2013, both funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. She earned her B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from NC State University in 2011, as the only female in her class of approximately ninety students, and now currently serves on the board of North Carolina State University’s Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Department. She has been invited to speak at a variety of events including NC State’s 2018 MAE Commencement Ceremony, the UN Women’s Gender Equality and Mainstreaming (GEM) The Internet of Women: Challenge or Opportunity? and the UN’s and ITU’s Women’s Leadership Workshop on Empowering Women in Radiocommunications Negotiations.


  • Satellite Communications
  • Wireless Communications
  • Satellite Systems
  • International Spectrum Policy
  • Principles of Wireless Communications

Frank Lind

I was born near Portland, Oregon. After attending high school in Seattle, I studied at the University of Washington, where I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in 1994. I then joined the UW Geophysics Program and pursued studies leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics in 1999. My work there focused on passive radar observations of the aurora borealis. Currently, I am a Research Engineer at MIT Haystack Observatory, where I develop and operate ground- and space-based radio science instrumentation.

My research focuses on radio science, advanced radar and radio arrays, space plasma physics, software radar, novel sensors and signal processing, and satellite instrumentation.