SpectrumX leadership, researchers attend NASEM CORF at CU Boulder to present on center, pressing issues in spectrum policy, security

The University of Colorado Boulder (CU) hosted the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM)’s Committee on Radio Frequencies (CORF) Fall meeting on October 3-4, 2023.  CORF considers the needs for radio frequency requirements and interference protection for scientific and engineering research, coordinates the views of U.S. scientists, and acts as a channel for representing the interests of U.S. scientists.

Notre Dame to host listening session on national radio spectrum strategy

On Tuesday, April 11, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will hold a listening session at the University of Notre Dame to garner broad input about future spectrum allocations. The listening session is open to the general public, to attend as well as to potentially speak, and will take place from 1 to 3:30 p.m. in the Patricia George Decio Theatre at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center. Local and state policymakers and regional industry leaders are especially encouraged to participate as speakers.

NTIA seeks feedback on future airwaves for innovative technologies; SpectrumX to host a listening session at the University of Notre Dame

WASHINGTON – The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on Wednesday began seeking comment on identifying airwaves for more intensive use and innovative new uses by both the private sector and federal agencies.

NTIA’s National Spectrum Strategy Request for Comment seeks input on creating a spectrum pipeline for the next decade of frequencies that could be studied for new or additional uses. The agency’s goal is to identify at least 1,500 megahertz of spectrum to study for potential repurposing – perhaps the most ambitious study goal for NTIA to date – to meet future requirements for non-federal and federal users.

Publication: A Techno-Economic Study of Spectrum Sharing with Blockchain and Smart Contracts

P. J. Bustamante, M. M. Gomez, M. B. H. Weiss, I. Murtazashvili and A. Palida, “A Techno-Economic Study of Spectrum Sharing with Blockchain and Smart Contracts,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.001.2200317.

Abstract: “The wireless crunch resulted in excess demand for the use of spectrum and spectrum sharing is increasingly being proposed as a solution. To date, little research has considered how blockchain technologies can enable greater spectrum sharing. To address this gap, we develop a stylized model to show how blockchains can be leveraged to facilitate the exchange of access rights on a well known band. To demonstrate proof of concept, we analyze available system design options, implement a small-scale test scenario, estimate the implementation and usage costs, and demonstrate how these technologies impact spectrum sharing prospects. Our exercise shows that blockchains can alleviate some of the perceived obstacles to greater sharing of spectrum.”

Published in IEEE Communications Magazine.

Publication: Bitcoin’s Latency-Security Analysis Made Simple

By Dongning Guo and Ling Ren

Abstract: “Simple closed-form upper and lower bounds are developed for the security of the Nakamoto consensus as a function of the confirmation depth, the honest and adversarial block mining rates, and an upper bound on the block propagation delay. The bounds are exponential in the confirmation depth and apply regardless of the adversary’s attack strategy. The gap between the upper and lower bounds is small for Bitcoin’s parameters. For example, assuming an average block interval of 10 minutes, a network delay bound of ten seconds, and 10% adversarial mining power, the widely used 6-block confirmation rule yields a safety violation between 0.11% and 0.35% probability.”

Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies, September 2022