Senator Todd Young and NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan visit Notre Dame, SpectrumX leadership, to discuss critical investments in science and technology

On Thursday, April 25, Sethuraman Panchanathan, director of U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), joined U.S. Senator Todd Young in a visit to the campus of the University of Notre Dame. The pair met with faculty, students, and University leaders and discussed how research and innovation can drive better policymaking, grow the local economy, and contribute to national security.

Senator Young explained, “As I travel around the state, I am inspired by the quality of students and the quality of research at our universities—and we have that at Notre Dame. Some of the best research in the country is happening here. That is exactly why I thought it was important that the director of the National Science Foundation come to Indiana, see it for himself, and meet many of the researchers whose projects have been funded by the NSF.”

SpectrumX’s fall meeting introduces new ways to engage with the center’s work

Unveiling comprehensive undergraduate research experience programs, introducing a new board of advisory members, and launching a flagship workshop on crafting comments on policy for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) were just some of the top agenda items for attendees of SpectrumX’s Fall 2023 Center meeting. The meeting took place at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, from October 9 and 10, 2023. It brought the multi-institutional center, composed of 27 founding institutions and led by the University of Notre Dame, to the upper midwest to discuss research progress, center initiatives, and more.

SpectrumX Announces Formal Collaboration with Qualcomm

SpectrumX has formalized the creation of the SpectrumX Collaboration Advisory Board (CAB). One of the first two organizations to formalize CAB Membership Agreements is Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a company that is committed to “enabling a world where everyone and everything can be intelligently connected.”

SpectrumX announces formal partnership with GIRD Systems, Inc.

In June 2023, SpectrumX formalized the formation of the SpectrumX Collaboration Advisory Board (CAB). Among the first two organizations to formalize CAB Membership Agreements is GIRD Systems, Inc.

GIRD Systems, Inc. is a developer of customer digital signal processing solutions, that specializes in both the commercial and military market. Its mission “is to provide the latest digital signal processing algorithms, techniques and solutions that enable our customers to reduce development times and increase wireless communication systems’ performance.”

SpectrumX holds Center Meeting, movie screening, poster session at National Science Foundation’s first Spectrum Week event

Throughout the National Science Foundation (NSF) Spectrum Week event at the end of April, three centers funded by NSF Spectrum Innovation Initiative grants came together to hold meetings and events in the collaborative environment. The opportunity to organize the event was driven by SpectrumX, an NSF Spectrum Innovation Center and the world’s largest academic hub for spectrum innovation. The multi-institutional and multidisciplinary center used the opportunity to meet with other SII funded centers, join discussions and sessions, and include students in these forward-thinking conversations.